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Practical Business Math Procedures

Title Practical Business Math Procedures
Writer Jeffrey Slater (Author)
Date 2025-02-23 10:37:48
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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The Fourteenth Edition of Practical Business Math Procedures provides students with an engaging and personalized way to learn leading to success in the classroom and beyond. Respected authors Jeffrey Slater and Sharon Wittry incorporate examples from The Wall Street Journal and Kiplinger throughout the entirety of the text to reinforce real-world application of business math. Every chapter concludes with the "My Money" exercises which encourage students to apply the chapter material to their personal finances while utilizing the Internet’s many resources.Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need when they need it and how they need it so that your class time is more engaging and effective. Read more


Editorial Reviews About the Author Sharon has been in the classroom for over 30 years and has 15 years experience as online business chair for the state of Colorado. She understands the need to provide students with around the-clock learning tools such as Smartbook and Connect. Staying current and making the content easy to understand and applicable to students' lives continues to be her focus.Jeff Slater has been teaching 30 years at North Shore Community College. He has acted as a consultant for the office of personnel management in Boston and New York. Jeff tours the country giving speeches on student retention at colleges as well as national conventions.

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