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Negotiating the Paris Agreement

Title Negotiating the Paris Agreement
Writer Henrik Jepsen (Editor)
Date 2025-02-22 16:42:47
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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The 2015 Paris Agreement represents the culmination of years of intense negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Designed to curb climate change, it was negotiated by almost 200 countries who came to the table with different backgrounds, perceptions and interests. As such, the Agreement represents a triumph for multilateralism in a period otherwise characterized by nationalist turns. How did countries reach the historical agreement, and what were the driving forces behind it? This book paints a full picture by providing and analysing multifaceted insider accounts from high-level delegates who represented developed and developing countries, civil society, businesses, the French Presidency, and the UNFCCC Secretariat. In doing so, the book documents not only the negotiation of the Paris Agreement but also the dynamics and factors that shaped it. A better understanding of these dynamics and factors can guide future negotiations and help us solve global challenges. Read more


Negotiating the Paris Agreement mainly consists of genuinely thoughtful insider accounts from a widely diverse range of negotiators who were central to the landmark 2015 agreement. This book is uniquely valuable resource for those interested in the complex strategies and tactics actually required to make global progress on the vital issue of climate change. For practitioners and analysts who need to understand the state of the art on international mega-conference negotiation and diplomacy in general—beyond the state to state interactions to include the significant roles of business, NGOs, and other elements of civil society—this book serves as an essential case study. As a professor at Harvard Business School and Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project at Harvard Law School, with a keen interest in climate negotiations, I can unequivocally recommend this fine edited volume.

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